
Integration Environment

All developers and ServiceTitan customers get access to one instance in the integration environment, similar to your access to NEXT for performing your development and pre production activities. 

Customers Will get their latest copy of production data into integration environment by default. And can request for a refresh periodically by contacting integrations@servicetitan.com

Developers will have standard sample data to get started. 

For making API calls in the integration environment: 

  • You need your app key generated in the developer portal. 

  • You need your Client & Secret Key generated for the integration environment by the ServiceTitan admin within your organization. 

  • Tenant ID against which you want to retrieve the data.

  • Environment endpoint details.

api-integration.servicetitan.io is the domain for accessing APIs in  the Integration environment. 

auth-integration.servicetitan.io/connect/token is the OAuth 2.0 token endpoint of the integration environment.

Production environment

Only ServiceTitan customers have access to a production environment. 

For making API calls in the production environment:

  • You need your application key generated for the integration or production environment.

  • You need Client ID & Secret Key generated for the production environment only by the ServiceTitan admin within your organization. If you are a developer marketing your app to a ServiceTitan customer, you need to ask the ServiceTitan customer to enable your app and securely share Client ID & Secret Key details with you. 

  • Tenant ID against which you want to retrieve the data.

  • Production environment endpoints:

api.servicetitan.io is the domain for accessing APIs in  the Integration environment. 

auth.servicetitan.io/connect/token is the OAuth 2.0 token endpoint of the production environment.